martes, 22 de febrero de 2011

launches coaching evaluation guide

Coaching has long been thought of as a powerful and enabling tool for development and performance, but without effective evaluation, demonstrating its positive effect on employees’ performance and the bottom line, an organisation’s coaching programme risks being left vulnerable to the financial pressures of the business, says the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).
The CIPD has launched a new guide, 'Real World Coaching Evaluation', which aims to help organisations to identify and implement successful measures for evaluation, while safe-guarding future coaching initiatives.
The CIPD says its research has uncovered a yawning gap between practitioners who do and don’t evaluate coaching. The Insitute cites this year’s Learning and Talent Development survey which found that just over a third (36%) of organisations evaluate coaching in some way, with little evidence of rigorous evaluation. However, the CIPD says coaching can only be effectively evaluated if it is properly positioned and aligned with business priorities.
John McGurk, CIPD adviser learning and talent, said: "Part of the job of a coach is evaluation - it should be embedded in the day-to-day working of any coach, not seen as a simple add-on or nice to have, but a necessity.
"Without any sort of evaluation an organisation’s coaching initiatives are left vulnerable to both financial and resourcing pressures, which could be particularly dangerous in tough economic times."
A recurrent issue raised on the subject of evaluation is the Return on Investment (ROI). The CIPD says organisation’s often become narrowed to the desire for the end figure, but an all-round, inclusive approach creates a more meaningful evaluation - for example, regular feedback from managers and other employees on the impact of coaching and examining the impact of different coaching interventions, compared with the resource invested.
John McGurk added: "Our research has shown that coaching helps to raise performance and align people and their goals to the organisation. Core behaviours and skills can be nurtured through effective coaching and in response drive a sustainable organisation performance. This publication offers a step-by-step guide to evaluation scenarios and methods, helping coaching practitioners to prove their worth and enable continued development."

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